
Only In Mexico...
... Can you befriend a family that takes you in as
their own, takes your new-found friends in and gives
you all they have and teaches you all they know.
... Can you "run in" to Jimmy Carter and leave his
chief assistant with some pencils.
... Can you find the postal service administrator in
town and get him to open the
Post Office on a Sunday.
... Can you hand wash all of your clothes that morning
only to get lost on a side street and fall in a huge
puddle billowing with mud in front of a Mexican drunk
who said "don't worry, I fall too!"
... Do you learn that what you thought was the 5 PM
ferry is really the 3 PM ferry so you bike your legs
off to get to the ferry and then the ferry leaves 1.5
hours late.
... Do you end up at hotel Rey, psyched that your room
has its own garage and a bidet only to
find that it is
a Hotel de Paso in which you pay by the hour. We got a
good rate: $20 for
the whole night!
... Can you find a man lying on the side of the road
and assume that he is just sleeping
off a hangover.
... Do you still get a piropo even after picking your
nose and butt and revealing some
awesome tan lines.
... Can you get there faster than the mail.
... Have I experienced such a wonderful culture of
generous, lovely strangers who have so
little yet give
so much.
