
I Like Jam and No Flim Flam
1,120 miles along
Halibut casserole from Uncle Jim and Aunt Mare; homemade granola bars from Heather McIntyre of University
of AK, Fairbanks; great riding partnerships from Tamara, Stephan, and Mathieu; Denver omelet from the
Baileys at Dot Lake; black bean casserole, grilled salmon with secret Barbecue sauce from Gustavis,
homemade wild blueberry jam, free showers, bed to sleep, lots of news press, and some cool kids to hang out
with from the McDonnell-Myers Family in Juneau; canned salmon, rabbit, scrambled eggs with salmon, trail
mix, and a hot shower and bed to sleep from the Ethier Family in Carnaby; vacuum packed salmon with celery,
radishes, onion, and potatoes to go with it from Sabrina at the arts and craft store just before Hazelton;
chai tea from Scooter; powdered Gatorade from RVers at Cottonwood; spaghettios from Kathy and Richard of
State College PA; more showers with shampoo and towels from Biker Bruce and Chill Out Charlie on the ferry;
books, bumper stickers, bike parts like fenders and nuts and bolts, and an awesome kayaking tour of Auke
Bay from one miss Emily Ferry of SEACC; socks and plastic bags to keep the feet dry from Dan and son Jeremy;
apple juice from a trucker, more showers, tent space, and an awesome breakfast from the Akeroyd Family
just out of Vanderhoof; paid hotel rooms, Denny's breakfast, and free bike tune up from newlyweds Patty
and Paul Fradette.
Many people keep asking me if I am worried about my safety. I hear it A LOT. But what I see more of is the
generosity of Juneau, the caring of Carnaby, the friendliness of Fairbanks, the Gems in Prince George. I
know I should be worried about the assholes out there, and I am, but there are just so many good people that
really give me a much brighter perspective on humanity that it is such a shame that the good ones don't
get the press. For every one jerk, there has to be 44 (and counting) generous and hospitable people,
because I haven't met a meanie yet, but I have met hoards of people who want to support in any way they
can, big or small.
You can't always just give and you can't always just receive. Receiving is just as important as giving.
I've been learning how to receive and it's not that I am this huge "giver", but I've been trying to get
rid of the notion that I am imposing, which has been quite difficult to get over, but I am slowly realizing
that it will come around and it will be my turn to give and when it is, I'm going to go all out like these
people have done. I must say, though, that Zoe (age 6) and Joe (age 4) McDonnell-Myers of Juneau, who have
provided me with the best wild blueberry Jam in North America, have gotten quite an early start on the
giving aspect of their lives!
I graciously want to thank each and every person whom I have met along this journey thus far. Meeting each
of you has made an awesome trip into something even more than I could have ever imagined. I hope you will
continue changing lives as you have done to mine to make me a better person. Together we can thwart the bad
guys and take the limelight!
Thank You
