
A Bike Race
Well, after being guests on Alejandro's radio show at 10 am on Sunday, we headed back to town from the top
of the highest hill and ran some errands. I was feeling a bit lethargic from all of the walking. My legs
just weren't accustomed to the new activity and rebelled by providing me with tree trunks for ankles or,
as Howard Stern might call them, "cankles".
I had to rest before biking 15 km to the airport and then race back. It was part of the weekend events as
it was the celebration of the Mexican Revolution against the oppressive Porfilio Diaz. Not only did we
participate (although I was disqualified because I had a road bike and not a mountain bike) but Susanna
won first place in the women's group (there were 4 of us) and we gave a presentation at the award ceremony.
It was pretty exciting. There must have been about 800 - 1000 people there and we gave out almost 300
pamphlets! I had also made a presentation with various pictures of the state of Michoacán with little
rhymes in Spanish. I also bad-mouthed the cruise ships that come into the bay and sometimes even dump
their solid waste right in the bay. The cruise ships also tell their clients not to eat or drink anything
and so tourism in the town suffers.
The night was wonderful and we topped it off with a great pizza and lemonade. A wonderful day for my mind
and body-except the ankles!
