
Baja ja ja
After the storm of Tijuana, things settled down quite a bit. So much so, that it was tough finding a
town with electricity let alone a bank. As the days rambled on, the roads narrowed and the world slowed a
bit. Although the air seems dustier, the tortillas seem tastier
(I hope it's not because of the dust) and
the smiles seem friendlier.
The largest of truck drivers give a beep, a wave, and lots of room, while the surfriders and ex-patriots
give a hang ten or a thumbs up. And of course we've experienced the ignorant RVers, hogging the tiny roads.
If only they knew how much space the 30 wheel trucks are able to
provide for us.
A few cars pass that are possibly americans, but then the horn sounds and it is either the sound of a car
alarm instead of a beep or they even take the time to change it to the equivalent of a whistle that would be
directed towards a hot mamma. Then you know it's latino.
The farther south we go, the less cars we see. The shoulderless roads just aren't really a problem. It is
quiet, the only sound is an approaching truck in the distance breaking with its motor, which means only one
thing - if he's coming down, we have to go up. Only a fraction of the people are in a rush and they are the
ones that will run themselves in crazed circles because not much more will get accomplished. It is just a
bit slower with quite a bit less infrastructure. It can get frustrating, not having access to Internet when
I want or get money when I want or just get a damn cold can of juice when I want. But I can say that, for
the most part, I am learning to try my hardest to get something done, but if it doesn't, just laugh and
tal vez maņana....
